A History of Wales 1485-1660

Awdur(on) Hugh Thomas

Iaith: Saesneg

Dosbarthiad(au): Welsh Interest, History

Cyfres: History of Wales

  • Medi 2011 · 256 tudalen ·216x138mm

  • · Clawr Meddal - 9780708324875

Am y llyfr

Cyfrol sy'n olrhain hanes Cymru rhwng 1485 ac 1660. Dyma'r gyntaf mewn cyfres o bedwar llyfr gan Hugh Thomas ar hanes ein cenedl. Argraffiad newydd o lyfr a gyhoeddwyd gyntaf yn 1972.


'The strength of this volume lies in its perceptive and lucid study of the administrative, social, economic and cultural scene ... providing a sound exposition of the objectives, obligations and conditions of life of the various classes in the social hierarchy.' - Welsh History Review Few periods of Welsh history have attracted more attention in schools and colleges than that covered by Mr Hugh Thomas"s book. The events of that period have certainly had a decisive influence upon the development of modern Wales, but students and pupils wishing to acquaint themselves with the background have for long felt the need of a comprehensive basic text-book. Mr Thomas has now met this need, and this volume ...provides a sound survey not only of the political and religious history of the period, but also of its cultural, social and economic aspects... -Welsh History Review

Cyflwyno'r Awdur(on)

Awdur(on): Hugh Thomas

Ganwyd Hugh Thomas yn Ystalyfera yng Nghwm Tawe. Ar ôl astudio yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Abertawe, bu'n dysgu hanes yn Llanidloes, Aberhonddu, Abertawe, ac roedd yn Brif Ddarlithydd yng Ngholeg Addysg y Barri ar adeg ei ymddeoliad yn 1980. Cyhoeddwyd A History of Wales 1485 - 1660 ym 1972 ac mae wedi bod mewn print yn barhaus ers hynny yn rhan o'r gyfres Welsh History Text Book.

Darllen mwy


Stondin Rithiol Cynhadledd IMC Leeds

Manteisiwch ar hyd at 50% oddi ar ein llyfrau astudiaethau canoloesol!