A History of Wales 1906-2000

Awdur(on) D. Gareth Evans

Iaith: Saesneg

Dosbarthiad(au): Welsh Interest, History

Cyfres: History of Wales

  • Mai 2000 · 464 tudalen ·234x156mm

  • · Clawr Caled - 9780708315538
  • · Clawr Meddal - 9780708315941

Am y llyfr

This text aims to cover four main area of change during the 20th century: the political scene, social changes, economic developments and culture and educational features. The book is divided into two main chronological sections: the first part examines the period from 1900-1945; while the second traces the changes in Welsh history from 1945 to 2000. Each chapter is sub-divided to make reading easier.


," . . I recommend it to all students of Welsh history and to the lay reader who wants a concise and elegantly written account of the main forces which have shaped Wales . . ." -Western Mail

Cyflwyno'r Awdur(on)

Awdur(on): D. Gareth Evans

Roedd D. Gareth Evans yn Brif Ddarlithydd a Phennaeth yr Adran Hanes yng Ngholeg y Drindod, Caerfyrddin.

Darllen mwy


Stondin Rithiol Cynhadledd IMC Leeds

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