
Visual Culture, Space and Power

Golygydd(ion) Helena Buffery,Carlota Caulfield

Iaith: Saesneg

Dosbarthiad(au): History

Cyfres: Iberian and Latin American Studies

  • Mehefin 2012 · 304 tudalen ·234x156mm

  • · Clawr Caled - 9780708324806
  • · eLyfr - pdf - 9780708324820
  • · Clawr Meddal - 9781783160457
  • · eLyfr - epub - 9781783161430

Am y llyfr

Mae Barcelona: Visual Culture, Space and Power yn cynnig agwedd newydd ac unigryw ar hanes y flaengad gelfyddydol ym Marcelona, yn ogystal â’i hetifeddiaeth yn y cyfnod wedi’r Ail Ryfel Byd. Mae’r gyfrol yn cyflwyno’r berthynas rhwng amgylchedd, hunaniaeth a pherfformiad a amlygwyd yng ngwaith artistiaid a chymunedau gwrthddiwylliannol o’r 1960au hyd heddiw.


"Helena Buffery and Carlota Caulfield have assembled an excellent edition that succeeds in pushing on-going discussions of Barcelona, its space, and art in new directions. Through a series of thoughtful essays by leading critics, 'Barcelona: Visual Culture, Space and Power' provides an intriguing interdisciplinary treatment of a city that continues to enthral and challenge both locals and visitors alike. Highly recommended." Professor Robert Davidson, University of Toronto "The volume offers a fascinating, visually engaging portrait of how artists from multiple disciplines have employed innovative aesthetic practices to negotiate the urban environment of Barcelona. The included essays will most certainly appeal to readers interested in the relationship between culture and European cityscapes." Professor Sharon Feldman, University of Richmond


General Introduction: Helena Buffery and Carlota Caulfield Part I: Avant-Garde Histories and Catalonia Chapter 1: Carlota Caulfield: Breaking Boundaries: A Journey through the Catalan Avant-Garde Chapter 2: Stephen Forcer: On the starfish road: Surrealism and the Paris-Barcelona connection Chapter 3: Louise Johnson: The Lyrical Taboos of Guillem Viladot Chapter 4: Cafe Central: a groundbreaking independent publishing house in Barcelona Interview with Antoni Clapes by Carlota Caulfield Part II: Butterflying Barcelona: The Environment Chapter 5: Maria Paz Balibrea: The case for obsolescence: thinking time and space in Joaquim Jorda's Numax presenta Chapter 6: Natalia Nunez: Whose vanguardist city? The Barcelona urban model as seen from the periphery in Jose Luis Guerin's En construccion Chapter 7: Elisenda Marcer: The Raval on Stage: Limits and borders in Juan Mayorga's Hamelin Chapter 8: Josep-Anton Fernandez: Translating the Enigma: Ventura Pons's Barcelona: un mapa Chapter 9: Lidewij Tummers: Empowerment by visualization: experiences from Barcelona Part III: Performing Barcelona Chapter 10: Helena Buffery/ Angels Margarit: Tracing the City in the URBS project and Solo por placer Chapter 11: Maria Delgado: Performing Barcelona: cultural tourism, geography and identity Chapter 12: Cariad Astles: Absent Bodies and Objects Chapter 13: Anna Wilson: A Broken Mirror? Global/local images of Barcelona Chapter 14: Carlota Caulfield: Talking about Visual Poetry: Interviews with J. M. Calleja, Gustavo Vega and Xavier Canals

Cyflwyno'r Golygydd(ion)

Awdur(on): Helena Buffery

Mae'r Dr Helena Buffery yn Ddarlithydd Coleg mewn Astudiaethau Sbaenaidd yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Cork.

Darllen mwy

Awdur(on): Carlota Caulfield

Mae'r Dr Carlota Caulfield yn Athro mewn Astudiaethau Sbaenaidd a Sbaen-Americanaidd yng Ngholeg Mills, Oakland, California.

Darllen mwy


Stondin Rithiol Cynhadledd IMC Leeds

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