Culture and the Nonconformist Tradition

Awdur(on) Alan Kreider,Jane Shaw

Iaith: Saesneg

Dosbarthiad(au): History

  • Ebrill 1999 · 192 tudalen ·216x135mm

  • · Clawr Meddal - 9780708315170

Am y llyfr

Casgliad o 8 darlith dreiddgar gan 8 ysgolhaig nodedig ar agweddau ar y berthynas rhwng crefydd a'r newidiadau mewn cymdeithas, diwylliant, gwleidyddiaeth a chyfraniad gwragedd yn ystod y 18fed, 19eg a'r 20fed ganrif.


'...first-rate material...' Methodist Recorder '...readable and informative...' Expository Times


"17th Century Revolution and the Origins of Dissent", Christopher Hill; "Literary Women in 18th Century Baptist Circles", Marjorie Reeves; "Robert Hall and the Sign of the Times", John Briggs; "Gospel and Culture in Victorian Noncomformity", David Bebbington; "Noncomformists, economic ethics and consumer society", John Garnett; "Victims of success - 20th Century Free Church Architecture", Clyde Binfield; "Dissent and the Peculiarities of the British in the 19th Century", Hugh McLeod.

Cyflwyno'r Awdur(on)