Double Loyalties

South Asian Adolescents in the West

Awdur(on) Paul A. Singh Ghuman

Iaith: Saesneg

Dosbarthiad(au): History

  • Gorffennaf 2003 · 208 tudalen ·216x138mm

  • · Clawr Meddal - 9780708317655

Am y llyfr

Astudiaeth gynhwysfawr o'r problemau cymhleth sy'n wynebu Asiaid ifanc yng ngwledydd y gorllewin ym meysydd addysg a chyflogaeth, hunaniaeth a chenedl, hil a diwylliant, wedi ei seilio ar ymchwil maes trylwyr yn Awstralia, Canada, Prydain a'r UDA, at ddefnydd athrawon a chynghorwyr addysg.


"This is a very timely volume. Professor Ghuman has explored with great skill a variety of issues in the development of identities of young South Asians across four countries. His emphasis on gender, race and ethnicity cuts across South Asian communities around the world and give a comprehensive understanding of their youth." -Professor Ratna Ghosh, McGill University Canada 'This is a far-reaching book, both topical and readable, which provides a fascinating comparative account of issues facing young second and third generation South Asians in four 'Western' countries ...provides important insights...makes a more than useful contribution to understanding the need for dialogue and education in order to foster inter-ethnic harmony in diverse societies...will surely be of value to a range of readers, including teachers, counsellors, youth workers, social workers, as well as to researchers into ethnic minority studies, gender, bilingualism and cross-cultural studies'. Educational Review '... an excellent source for any student embarking on the study of this area'. The International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism


First generation; young people of second and third generations; young people and acculturation - quantitative analysis; young people and acculturation - qualitative analysis; gender issues - context and research findings; schooling - educational matters; schooling - cultural and social concerns; reflections and implications.

Cyflwyno'r Awdur(on)



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