Goronwy Rees

Sketches in Autobiography

Awdur(on) Goronwy Rees

Iaith: Saesneg

Dosbarthiad(au): Biography

  • Medi 2001 · 144 tudalen ·216x138mm

  • · Clawr Caled - 9780708316764
  • · Clawr Meddal - 9780708316771

Am y llyfr

Argraffiad newydd, gyda nodiadau cefndir ac eglurhaol llawn, o ddwy gyfrol hunangofiannol Goronwy Rees, sef A Bundle of Sensations (cyh. 1960) a A Chapter of Accidents (cyh. 1972), ynghyd â thraethawd 'A Winter in Berlin', y tri thestun yn darlunio bywyd lliwgar a chymhleth llenor, newyddiadurwr a phrifathro prifysgol.


"This is the first substantial, objective study of Rees''s fascinating life and was assisted by the unstinting co-operation and reminiscences of his only daughter, Jenny Rees. In a worthy addition to the renowned Writers of Wales series published by the University of Wales Press over several decades, Dr Harris has provided us with a rigorously researched, lucidly written and well-illustrated tome which examines the extraordinary career of the Oxford fellow, intellectual and top-ranking journalist, employed by the Manchester Guardian and the Spectator, who became principal in the sleepy university seaside town in the 1950s and was dramatically forced to resign following startling revelations about his friendship with Guy Burgess." -gwales.com

Cyflwyno'r Awdur(on)