How Water Makes Us Human

Engagements with the Materiality of Water

Awdur(on) Luci Attala

Iaith: Saesneg

Dosbarthiad(au): Philosophy

Cyfres: Materialities in Anthropology and Archaeology

  • Ebrill 2019 · 208 tudalen ·216x138mm

  • · Clawr Meddal - 9781786834119
  • · eLyfr - pdf - 9781786834126
  • · eLyfr - epub - 9781786834133

Am y llyfr

Mae’r gyfrol hon yn ymwneud â sut mae dŵr yn troi’n bobl - neu mewn geiriau eraill, sut mae pobl a dŵr yn llifo gyda’i gilydd ac yn siapio ei gilydd. Er bod ffocws y gyfrol ar y berthynas rhwng dŵr a phobl, mae iddi hefyd neges ehangach am berthnasoedd dynol gyda’r amgylchedd yn gyffredinol - neges sy’n dangos nid yn unig bod pobl yn ymgordeddu’n ddirfodol gyda’r byd materol, ond bod deunyddiau’r byd yn siapio, pennu a galluogi pobl i fod yn ‘fodau dynol’ fel y maent. Gan gynnig detholiad o enghreifftiau anthropolegol o Kenya, Cymru a Sbaen i ddangos sut mae materoldeb dŵr yn cyd-gynhyrchu’r ffordd mae pobl yn gallu ymgysylltu â dŵr, mae’r gyfrol hon yn defnyddio safbwyntiau trawsddisgyblaethol i gynnig a hyrwyddo dadansoddeg newydd - un sy’n annog perthnasoedd moesegol, cyfannol a chynaliadwy gyda’r byd o’n cwmpas. Mae’r dull hwn yn herio darluniau sy’n anwybyddu, sy’n osgoi neu sy’n ddall i’r materoldeb cnawdol sy’n perthyn i fod yn ddynol, i annog ail-ddychmygu byd sy’n eiriol dros gydnabod y ddynoliaeth yn gydweithredol ac yn rhan o (yn hytrach na bodoli’n unig ar) ffabrig y casgliad o ddeunyddiau a elwir yn blaned y Ddaear.


Luci Attala shows how water has shaped the physical, mythic and political lives of three contrasting societies. Instead of seeing water as a resource, she asks what it makes of us. This is essential reading, a new way of understanding the surprising power of what is in the world to shape us.’
-Professor Alan Ereira, UWTSD, author of The Heart of the World (1990)

‘It is important for us to discover new ways of experiencing and speaking of our relationships with Nature. This book is a useful and welcome first step.’
-Professor David Cadman, UWTSD, editor of Speeches and Articles of The Prince of Wales (2014–19)

The author critically challenges the opposition of culture and nature as a product of anthropocentric exceptionalism, providing an ethical lesson regarding the human place in nature that is vital for survival. Water can never be the same for Attala's readers, but must be reconsidered as a generative agent.
- Choice, L. E. Sponsel, emeritus, University of Hawai'i


Part One
Chapter 1: Introduction
The direction and purpose: New Materialities
Materiality/Material Culture/ New Materialities
Why water?
People: bodies and water
Chapter 2: Water Behaviours: A Brief Ethnography of Water
What is water?
First light, then water
Being liquid: physics, classifications, breaking the law and transformation
How can one know water? Liquid behaviours
The importance of movement: molecular sociology
Solvents and solutions
But how does water move? Circles, cycles and snakes
The earth and the air
Water: the shape of life and when water is human
Chapter 3: Resource or Source: How to Approach Water in the Time of Climate Change
Part Two
Chapter 4: Introduction to Part Two
Chapter 5: The Giriama in Kenya: Living with Drought
Water practices: rain, roofs, rivers and water basins
Headcarrying: water shaping gendered bodies
Giriama conceptions of water
Fu ha mwenga: fluidity and identity
Watery identities
Identity solutions: blending place, power and water
MaKaya: home from home
Giriama waters and authenticity: understanding the materiality of water
Chapter 6: Lanjaron, Spain
Slow water: glaciers, ice and snow
The Moorish influence: hydrologers
Invisible waters
Not all waters are equal
Mineral water: healing and destruction
Change: festivities and water
The ritual

Chapter 7: Welsh Water: The Resourcefulness of Water
Establishing Welsh water: then and now
The language of water
Discourses of deluge
Water relationships, powers and control
Memories of floods and flooding
Water and memory: remember Tryweryn
Yma o hyd (Still here)
Chapter 8: Concluding Remarks

Cyflwyno'r Awdur(on)



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