Introducing the Medieval Dragon

Awdur(on) Thomas Honegger

Iaith: Saesneg

Dosbarthiad(au): Medieval

Cyfres: Medieval Animals

  • Awst 2019 · 144 tudalen ·198x129mm

  • · Clawr Meddal - 9781786834683
  • · eLyfr - pdf - 9781786834690
  • · eLyfr - epub - 9781786834706

Am y llyfr

Nod y gyfrol hon yw archwilio nodweddion y ddraig ganoloesol a thrafod safbwyntiau sydd weithiau’n amrywio yn y testunau canoloesol perthnasol. Ar sail gwybodaeth fanwl o’r testunau cynradd, mae’r astudiaeth yn cyflwyno dehongliadau newydd o weithiau llenyddol adnabyddus, a hefyd yn ystyried peintiadau a darluniau eraill o’r bwystfilod hyn. Byddai dreigiau’n cael eu cynllunio nid yn unig i godi braw ond hefyd i danio’r dychymyg, a darparu creadur enfawr a drwg i’r arwr ei drechu - eto mae llawer mwy iddyn nhw na’u rôl fel gelyn ymlusgiadol yn unig. Yn y gyfrol hon ceir cyflwyniad i’r ddraig ganoloesol mewn penodau byr, cywir a chlir ar ei hanes, crefydd, llenyddiaeth a llên gwerin, ac mae’n gorffen drwy ddangos sut mae’r ddraig - o Beowulf i Tolkien, Disney a Potter - yn cael ei hadfywio’n barhaus.


‘This study of the medieval dragon not only provides a detailed examination of the perceived threats to medieval society, but also more broadly sheds telling light on the very nature of medieval culture. Superbly well researched yet also highly accessible, this is scholarship at its best.’
- Dr Martin Arnold, Reader Emeritus, University of Hull

‘A pithy introduction to the weird and wonderful world of medieval dragon lore. Honegger emphasises the diversity and cultural specificity of these fascinating creatures, while also attending to their durability and near universality as symbols. Ranging from literature and learned writings to religious art and folklore, the book is as rich and multifaceted as its subject.’
- Robert Mills, Professor of Medieval Studies, University College London

'One of the strongest qualities of Introducing the Medieval Dragon is it accessibility: it is a scholarly book but written in a very appealing way, which shows in a very direct and concise way the complexity of medieval culture and imagination. It could be argued that the tone of this book is a perfect result from this understanding of yours that Tolkien’s fiction has the energy to draw and enlighten students into the knowledge and understanding of the Middle Ages. The content of the book is rigorous yet presented in a fully relatable way, and this stirs an enthusiastic curiosity in the reader, who feels encouraged to learn more, to read the medieval literary works mentioned in it, becomes curious to look for dragon images in bestiaries and other medieval books…'
- Alicia Guerrero Yeste, un trabajo tartamudo. Read the full interview here

'This concise & useful study introduces & examines characteristics of medieval dragons in a range of different contexts. This is a useful, scholarly, and charmingly illustrated book.'
- Review in Folklore

'The illustrations peppered throughout were gorgeous and the inclusion of the Old English text above the modern translation was a very nice touch. Being slim, well-researched, and succinct this book was exactly the introduction that it set out to be. Based upon this book, I believe that the series could be a valuable resource for the layperson interested in attaining a better understanding of the Medieval Mind, and how modern works continue to build and grow from the foundation set all those many centuries ago.'
- Review by Hilary Wilson on the Folklore Podcast. Full review here


List of illustrations
The Dragon and Medieval Scholarship
The Dragon and Medieval Religion
The Medieval Dragon and Folklore
The Dragon and Medieval Literature
Outlook and Conclusion
Further reading

Cyflwyno'r Awdur(on)



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