Living and Dining in Medieval Paris

The Household of a Fourteenth-century Knight

Awdur(on) Nicole Crossley-Holland

Iaith: Saesneg

Dosbarthiad(au): History

  • Chwefror 2000 · 255 tudalen ·234x156mm

  • · Clawr Meddal - 9780708316474

Am y llyfr

Astudiaeth ysgolheigaidd ond diddorol iawn o'r byd coginio ymhlith aelodau'r dosbarth canol uwch ym Mharis ar ddiwedd y bedwaredd ganrif ar ddeg, gan ddefnyddio'r llawysgrif Ménagier de Paris fel sail i'r astudiaeth. 24 llun du-a-gwyn a 2 fap.


'features a detective-style inquiry into the identity of the man and his residences.' (French Review) 'a masterpiece of scholastic research and will be of interest to anyone with an interest in medieval studies.' (Wisconsin Bookwatch) 'This book is clearly based on lightly worn scholarship and meticulous research.' (New Welsh Review) 'Crossley-Holland with her usual thoroughness and painstaking scholarship provides convincing proof of the Menagier's identity...a fascinating an exhaustive tableau of the lives of the medieval gentry and their cohorts...judiciously illustrated...Crossley-Holland shows a keen perception of society in the middle ages.' (French Review) 'it is when she comes, in part 3, to understanding and interpreting medieval recipes and culinary techniques that the author really comes into her own. The effect is positively mouth-watering as she all but cooks the dishes in front of the reader. The book is attractively illustrated...Altogether it is a most agreeable, not to say salivating, read.' (Economic History Review)

Cyflwyno'r Awdur(on)