Memories of May '68

France's Convenient Consensus

Awdur(on) Chris Reynolds

Iaith: Saesneg

Dosbarthiad(au): History

Cyfres: French and Francophone Studies

  • Medi 2011 · 189 tudalen ·234x156mm

  • · Clawr Caled - 9780708324158
  • · Clawr Meddal - 9780708324165
  • · eLyfr - pdf - 9780708324172
  • · eLyfr - epub - 9781783164790

Am y llyfr

Memories of May 68 charts the emergence of the conventional representation of the French events of 1968 and argues that the dominance of this narrative, despite its limitations, stems from the convenience that such a consensus provides for those that have been pivotal in shaping the collective memory of this critical moment in French history.

Cyflwyno'r Awdur(on)

Awdur(on): Chris Reynolds

Mae Chris Reynolds yn Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Astudiaethau Ffrangeg ac Ewropeaidd ym Mhrifysgol Nottingham Trent.

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Stondin Rithiol Cynhadledd IMC Leeds

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