The Fiction of Emyr Humphreys

Contemporary Critical Perspectives

Awdur(on) Linden Peach

Iaith: Saesneg

Dosbarthiad(au): Welsh Interest

Cyfres: Writing Wales in English

  • Ionawr 2011 · 156 tudalen ·216x138mm

  • · Clawr Meddal - 9780708322161
  • · eLyfr - pdf - 9780708324042
  • · eLyfr - epub - 9781783164417

Am y llyfr

Astudiaeth arloesol o waith Emyr Humphreys, un o brif lenorion Cymru, yn pwysleisio maint ei gyfraniad i lenyddiaeth Cymru yn yr iaith Saesneg, ynghyd ag arwyddocâd ei lenyddiaeth wrth gynnig llwyfan i bynciau trafod cyfoes megis hunaniaeth, cenedl, ffeministiaeth, amgylchedd a gwrthdaro crefyddol.


"Linden Peach has achieved a rare thing: an engrossing, accessible book that will be relished by students and academics alike. Emyr Humphreys's pre-eminence as a writer of fiction in Wales over the last sixty years is undisputed. Peach conveys the sheer vibrancy of Humphreys's 'dissident prose' with infectious enthusiasm, while at the same time providing a masterclass in reading his novels with reference to contemporary literary theories."--Kristi Bohata, Swansea University


Part One: Frames and Contexts 1. Humphrey's Life and Works 2. What Kind of Fiction? 3. History, Space and Progress 4. Bodies in Time: Psychoanalytic Contours 5. Women, Feminism and Post-feminism Part Two: Readings 6. Resistance, Gender and Performative Identity: A Man's Estate 7. Contested Masculinities: A Toy Epic 8. Time and Being: Outside the House of Baal 9. Land of the Living and Epic Theatre 10. Warring Families: Unconditional Surrender and The Gift of a Daughter 11. Strangers in a Strange Land: Natives, Ghosts and Strangers and Old People are a Problem 12. Intimate Strangers: The Shop 13. Independence, Globalism and Nonconformity: The Woman at the Window 14. Afterword

Cyflwyno'r Awdur(on)



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