Horror and Religion

New Literary Approaches to Theology, Race and Sexuality

Golygydd(ion) Eleanor Beal,Jon Greenaway

Iaith: Saesneg

Dosbarthiad(au): Literary Criticism

Cyfres: Horror Studies

  • Gorffennaf 2019 · 224 tudalen ·216x138mm

  • · Clawr Meddal - 9781786834409
  • · eLyfr - pdf - 9781786834416
  • · eLyfr - epub - 9781786834423

Am y llyfr

Casgliad o ysgrifau wedi’u golygu yw Horror and Religion sy’n cynnig trafodaethau strwythuredig am achosion o wrthdaro ysbrydol a diwinyddol ym maes arswyd o ddiwedd yr unfed ganrif ar bymtheg hyd at yr unfed ganrif ar hugain. Mae’r cyfranwyr yn archwilio’r amrywiol ffyrdd y mae arswyd a chrefydd wedi rhyngweithio dros themâu hil a rhywioldeb; mae’r testunau dan sylw’n cofnodi’r ffordd y mae’r dychymyg crefyddol wedi’i ddefnyddio ar hyd datblygiad arswyd, o fodd Gothig wedi’i seilio mewn dadleuaeth ddiwinyddol i genre mwy penodol yn yr unfed ganrif ar hugain sy’n edrych ar fywyd ar ôl crefydd. Mae Horror and Religion yn canolbwyntio ar genre Arswyd a’i nodweddion sy’n ymwneud â’r corff, rhywioldeb, trawma a hil, ac mae’r ysgrifau’n trafod y ffordd y mae arswyd wedi symud y pwyslais o wrth-Gatholigiaeth a gwrth-semitiaeth i gynnwys materion hanesyddol a diwinyddol nad oes cystal dealltwriaeth ohonynt, fel ‘marwolaeth Duw’ a dadsefydlogi ysbrydol y seciwlar. Drwy wynebu achosion o wrthdaro ysbrydol mewn Arswyd, mae’r gyfrol hon yn cynnig safbwyntiau newydd ar yr hyn rydym ni’n draddodiadol yn ystyried ei fod yn arswydus.


Eleanor Beal and Jonathan Greenaway have assembled here a truly stimulating collection of essays devoted to exploring the often surprising connections between religion and horror, from the eighteenth century through to the present day. As eclectic in its various critical approaches as it is in the range of texts, authors and topics covered, the collection, refreshingly and perhaps self-consciously so, is a very broad church. Horror and Religion is a welcome addition to the recent critical interest in the theology of the Gothic mode, and is bound to become a key text in the field.’
-Dale Townshend, Professor of Gothic Literature, Manchester Centre for Gothic Studies

'A must-read text for those who are interested in the impact of Christian theology on literary and popular culture; the evolution of religious thought in the West; constructions of racial Otherness and monstrosity; configurations of, and responses to, deviant and transgressive bodies; the cultural effect of secularism and post-secularism; the Gothic’s historic and continued engagement with Christianity; and the holistic study of literary Horror texts. Horror and Religion is successful in its intent to interrogate the ways in which religion and theology has maintained a shadowy presence in Horror texts over the centuries.'
- Review by Chloe Campbell in Fantastika Journal, Volume 5, Issue 1, May 2021


Notes on Contributors
1. ‘Headlong into an Immense Abyss’: Horror and Calvinism in Scotland and the United States - Neil Syme
2. The Blood is the Life: An Exploration of the Vampire’s Jewish Shadow - Mary Going
3. Decadent Horror Fiction and Fin-de-Siècle Neo-Thomism - Zoë Lehmann Imfeld
4. ‘Let the Queer One in’: The Performance of the Holy, Innocent and Monstrous Body in Vampire Fiction - Rachel Mann
5. More or Less Human, or Less is More Humane?: Monsters, Cyborgs and Technological (Ex)tensions of Edenic Bodies - Scott Midson
6. Horror and the Death of God - Simon Marsden
7. Aboriginal Ghosts, Sacred Cannibals and the Pagan Christ: Consuming the Past as Salvation in Wilson Harris’s Jonestown - Eleanor Beal
8. Reconfiguring Gothic Anti-Catholicism: Faith and Folk-Horror in the Work of Andrew Michael Hurley - Jonathan Greenaway
9. ‘Deliver Us from Evil’: David Mitchell, Repetition and Redemption - Andrew Tate

Cyflwyno'r Golygydd(ion)