New Governance - New Democracy?

Post-devolution Wales

Golygydd(ion) Paul Chaney,Tom Hall,Andrew Pithouse

Iaith: Saesneg

Dosbarthiad(au): Welsh Interest

Cyfres: Politics and Society in Wales

  • Gorffennaf 2001 · 240 tudalen ·234x156mm

  • · Clawr Meddal - 9780708316788

Am y llyfr

Casgliad o bum prosiect ymchwil sy'n ceisio archwilio amryfal agweddau ar y broses o ddatganoli yng Nghymru, megis cyfraniad etholwyr, datblygiad economaidd, grwpiau lleiafrifol a'r sector wirfoddol, yn cynnwys asesiad o'r hyn a gyflawnwyd eisoes ynghyd â'r digwyddiadau ar gyfer y dyfodol.


'This is an important book, and an important series, and represents a worthy contribution to our understanding of how devolution is unfolding. Each of the studies has adopted a rigorous methodological approach, and the analyses are strengthened by being theoretically-grounded ... it offers lessons for scholars of devolution elsewhere in the UK'. (Scottish Affairs) '...this is an interesting and well written text which should be read by all those interested in how devolved structures are seeking to interact with the societies that they have set up to serve.' Political Studies


Contents List of figures viii List of tables ix List of abbreviations x 1. New Governance - New Democracy? Paul Chaney, Tom Hall and Andrew Pithouse 1 2. Turnout, Participation and Legitimacy in the Politics of Post-devolution Wales Richard Wyn Jones and Dafydd Trystan 18 3. Inclusive Government for Excluded Groups: Women and Disabled People Sandra Betts, John Borland and Paul Chaney 48 4. Inclusive Government for Excluded Groups: Ethnic Minorities Charlotte Williams and Paul Chaney 78 5. The National Assembly and the Voluntary Sector: An Equal Partnership? Bella Dicks, Tom Hall and Andrew Pithouse 102 6. Learning by Doing: Devolution and the Governance of Economic Development in Wales Kevin Morgan and Gareth Rees 126 7. Devolution and Regulation: The Political Control of Public Agencies in Wales Rachel Ashworth, George Boyne and Richard Walker 172 8. Reading the Runes Paul Chaney, Tom Hall and Andrew Pithouse 213 Bibliography 229 Index 245

Cyflwyno'r Golygydd(ion)

Awdur(on): Paul Chaney

Mae Dr Paul Chaney yn Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Polisi Cyhoeddus ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd.

Darllen mwy


Stondin Rithiol Cynhadledd IMC Leeds

Manteisiwch ar hyd at 50% oddi ar ein llyfrau astudiaethau canoloesol!