Mae’n bleser gan brif weisg prifysgol y DU ac Iwerddon gyhoeddi lansio fframwaith cydweithio newydd. Mae EvenUP yn dangos ymrwymiad gweisg prifysgol y DU ac Iwerddon i gydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth, cynwysoldeb a pherthyn yn ein gweithleoedd, gyda phwy rydym ni’n gweithio a’r hyn a gyhoeddwn. Gan gydnabod bod gan wahanol weisg a rhiant-sefydliadau eu mentrau cydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant eu hunain, ond yn awyddus i gydweithio er mwyn eu hamlygu, rydym yn ymrwymo i wneud y canlynol:
- Rhannu arfer gorau o ran cydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant ar draws gweisg.
- Ymrwymo i ddefnyddio naill ai offeryn arolwg AUPresses i gasglu data demograffig, neu ein harolygon ein hunain o ansawdd tebyg, er mwyn asesu a deall meysydd y gallwn eu gwella, gan feincnodi ar draws gweisg lle bo’n briodol.
- Creu a rhannu rhaglen barhaus o hyfforddiant a digwyddiadau, megis siaradwyr gwadd, gweminarau a symposia ar-lein.
- Hyrwyddo a dangos trylwyredd a chyfle cyfartal mewn prosesau recriwtio a dilyniant gyrfa mewn gweisg prifysgol gan gynnwys:
- interniaethau â thâl,
- rhestru cyflogau/bandiau cyflog ar bob rôl lefel mynediad a phob hysbyseb recriwtio, yn amodol ar ofynion masnachol neu gyfrinachedd,
- mentora gyrfa rhwng gweisg i gydweithwyr o grwpiau heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol.
- Cydweithio i godi ymwybyddiaeth o gyfleoedd gyrfa yn ein gweisg gyda grwpiau sydd heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol ym maes cyhoeddi ysgolheigaidd.
- Sicrhau bod arweinydd dynodedig ar gyfer cydraddoldeb, amrywiaeth a chynhwysiant yn ein sefydliadau a bod yr arweinwyr hynny’n cyfarfod yn rheolaidd.
Y Gweisg Prifysgol sy’n rhan o’r fenter yw: Bryste, Caergrawnt, Corc, Caeredin, Goldsmiths, Harvard (swyddfa Ryngwladol), Lerpwl, Prifysgol Llundain, Manceinion, MIT (swyddfa’r DU), Rhydychen, Princeton (swyddfa Ewrop), Coleg Prifysgol Dulyn, Coleg Prifysgol Llundain, Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru, Prifysgol Westminster a Gwasg Prifysgol Yale Llundain.
Mae EvenUP yn ategu gwaith Cymdeithas y Gweisg Prifysgol, (AUPresses) a’r Glymblaid dros
Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant mewn Cyfathrebu Ysgolheigaidd (C4DISC). Dyfyniadau gan rai o’r cyhoeddwyr sy’n cyfranogi:
‘The Association of University Presses applauds the creation of the EvenUP initiative by 17 university presses in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion in scholarly publishing is of paramount importance because it is essential to the continued increase and advancement of knowledge. AUPresses members’ worldwide stand ready to support and learn from this dedicated group of publishers as we all proceed in this much-needed work.’
Peter Berkery, Cyfarwyddwr Gweithredol, Cymdeithas y Gweisg Prifysgol
‘As mission-driven publishers it behoves all university presses to strive for greater equity in the scholarly and publishing ecosystems. Individually we can all play our part but by working together we can amplify our efforts and hasten change.’
Anthony Cond, Prif Weithredwr, Gwasg Prifysgol Lerpwl
‘I am delighted that Edinburgh University Press is participating in this important initiative. Committing to the principles of EDI is vital to our identity, in terms of who and what we publish, as well as the ways in which we recruit and support our staff.’
Nicola Ramsey, CEO, Gwasg Prifysgol Caeredin
‘I welcome this joined up commitment from the university press community on EDI initiatives, investigating how we can reduce the barriers that exclude people from participating in scholarly communication and employment, as well as educate colleagues on addressing inequalities.’
Chris Hart, Pennaeth Marchnata, Gwasg Prifysgol Manceinion
‘This declaration acknowledges that, like the wider publishing industry, academic publishing needs to change to become more diverse and inclusive. We have made some practical commitments as a necessary first step, and I believe that collaboration, including with host institutions and researchers, has the potential to open out scholarly publishing and communications.’
Sarah Kember, Cyfarwyddwr Gwasg Goldsmiths
‘As university presses we are committed to supporting greater equity across academia through more diverse and inclusive academic publishing. These principles are a starting point for each of us to make tangible and positive changes that welcome diversity of thought, perspective and approach to our publishing as well as creating an inclusive environment for our own teams. This need not be an area where we compete: instead, we can achieve greater progress through open collaboration.
Mandy Hill, Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr, Gwasg Prifysgol Caergrawnt
‘This is an important collaborative initiative. We are looking forward to working together with our colleagues across the university presses and commit to accelerate change towards broader representation and greater diversity. We hope to reinforce an inclusive and open culture in the broadest sense.’
Heather McCallum, Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr a Chyhoeddwr, Gwasg Prifysgol Yale Llundain
‘Working together university presses can make a tangible difference to equality, diversity and inclusion through our publishing, policies and processes. This shared commitment is a springboard to positive social change.’
Alison Shaw, Prif Weithredwr, Gwasg Prifysgol Bryste
‘Recent years have shown more than ever that real change within publishing is needed to support greater equity and diversity within organisations and publishing practices alike. We look forward to participating in this collaboration with colleagues from other university presses, and these initial commitments are a welcome first step in our journey to facilitate change within academic publishing.’
Paula Kennedy, Pennaeth Cyhoeddi, Gwasg Prifysgol Llundain
‘Challenging inequities in knowledge production and within knowledge ecosystems is of utmost importance and I’m therefore delighted that UWP is part of this vital University Press initiative’
Philippa Grand, Rheolwr y Wasg, Gwasg Prifysgol Westminster
‘Mae EvenUP yn gam pwysig i ni, fel cyhoeddwyr academaidd, i ymrwymo ar y cyd ac yn gyhoeddus i wneud newidiadau pendant o ran cydraddoldeb i’r rheini sydd ar hyn o bryd ar y cyrion neu na chânt eu clywed. Drwy nodi, gweithredu a rhannu lle gallwn ni wneud yn well, ein gobaith yw croesawu cyfranwyr newydd yn ddirwystr ar draws pob rhan o’r ecosystem, fydd wir yn cyfoethogi’r sector cyhoeddi.’
Natalie Williams, Cyfarwyddwraig, Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru